Sending the Web address of records by e-mail

You can provide direct access to a database record by sending the URL by e-mail.

About this task

To send the Web address associated with a record by e-mail:


  1. Verify that your Internet browser is associated with your e-mail client. For instructions, see the online help in your browser.
  2. While viewing the record, click the arrow for the Add to ClearQuest Favorites icon, Add to ClearQuest Favorites icon, on the record form toolbar to expand the list and click Email.
    Note: You can also send the Web address associated with a record by email from the query result set. Right-click on the record to display the pop-up menu and click Email.
  3. Click Open Email Client on the Send Email window to open the compose window of your default e-mail client.

    The compose window of your e-mail client opens. The Subject contains the record ID, and the message body contains a link to the Web address associated with the record.


When the e-mail recipient clicks the link, one of two pages is displayed:

  • If the recipient is logged in to Rational® ClearQuest® Web, the record is displayed in the right pane of the browser window.
  • If the recipient is not logged in to Rational ClearQuest Web, the login page opens. After the user name and password are validated, the record is displayed in the right pane of the browser window, bypassing the startup query, if one is defined.