Bookmarking records, queries, reports, or charts

You can create a bookmark in your browser for a record, query, data-push report, or data-push chart that you work with frequently.

About this task

To create a bookmark for a record, query, report, or chart:


You can bookmark an item from Rational® ClearQuest® Favorites, Recent Items, or the query result set. Right-click on the item to display the pop-up menu and click Bookmark.
  • In Internet Explorer, enter a bookmark name in the Name field and either select an existing folder or create a new folder for the bookmark. Optionally, select the Make available offline. Then click OK. For more information, see the online help for Internet Explorer.

What to do next

Note: You can also bookmark a record while viewing it. Click the arrow for the Add to Rational ClearQuest Favorites icon, Add to Rational ClearQuest Favorites icon, on the record form toolbar to expand the list and click Bookmark.