Configuring Report Launcher for Rational ClearQuest

Update the Report Launcher for Rational® ClearQuest® configuration file to specify one or more paths for the shared reports directory.

About this task

After installing the Report Launcher for Rational ClearQuest, update the Report Launcher configuration file to specify the path to the report file server.

These instructions include references to this variable:

On Windows, this variable represents the default path for the WebSphere® profile directory where Rational ClearQuest web applications are deployed. CLEARQUEST_HOME is the directory where ClearQuest is installed.
On Unix, this variable represents the default path for the WebSphere profile directory where Rational ClearQuest web applications are deployed where CLEARQUEST_HOME is the directory where ClearQuest is installed.


  1. From a command prompt, run this command to navigate to the configuration directory:
    • On Windows, type
      cd %CLEARQUEST_HOME%\cqweb\cqwebprofile\installedApps\dfltCell\RationalClearQuestReportLauncher.ear\CQReportLauncher.war\WEB-INF\classes
    • On UNIX or Linux, type
      cd $CLEARQUEST_HOME/cqweb/cqwebprofile/installedApps/dfltCell/RationalClearQuestReportLauncher.ear/CQReportLauncher.war/WEB-INF/classes
    Note: The default WebSphere Application Server cell directory is dfltCell on Windows, Unix, and Linux platforms. On the Solaris platform, the default is <srv>Node01Cell.
  2. From the configuration directory, use an editor to open the file
  3. Modify the reports.launcher.baseDirectory entry to point to one or more base directories where reports are stored. The Report Launcher can navigate to the subdirectories of the base directory. You can specify multiple base directory definitions by separating each entry using a semicolon. Typically, you do not need to change the other configuration properties. Review the file to determine if additional property modifications are required.
    Note: The directory hierarchy specified must permit file system access to the account that runs the WAS profile containing Report Launcher for Rational ClearQuest. Users that need to save reports or other files to this directory must also have write access.
  4. Save the updated file.
  5. If the Report Launcher web application is started, it must be stopped and restarted to capture configuration changes. You can restart the associated WAS profile, or you can restart the application from within the WAS console of the associated WAS profile.

What to do next

Depending on the Rational ClearQuest reporting environment you are establishing, complete these additional configuration steps as required: