Installing Report Launcher for Rational ClearQuest on WebSphere Application Server

Use the Rational® ClearQuest® Installation Manager to install the Report Launcher for Rational ClearQuest on the WebSphere® Application Server.

Before you begin

The Report Launcher for Rational ClearQuest must be deployed on a server that has version 7.0 or 8.0 of the WebSphere Application Server and IBM® HTTP Server version installed and configured. For information about installing WebSphere Application Server and IBM HTTP Server, see ../../

About this task

Report Launcher for Rational ClearQuest is a server component that can be selected during ClearQuest installation. During installation, the Installation Manager automatically deploys the Report Launcher for Rational ClearQuest to the WebSphere Application Server profile that you chose during installation.


  1. Start the IBM Installation Manager.
  2. Click Modify to view the installed packagers.
  3. On the Modify Packages page, click the IBM Rational SDLC package. Then, click Next.
  4. Select the translations to install. Then, click Next.
  5. In the list of installed packages, click the Rational ClearQuest check box.
  6. Click the arrow in front of the Rational ClearQuest entry, to view the components available in the package.
  7. Click the arrow in front of Server Components to view the available components that can be installed.
  8. Click the Report Launcher for ClearQuest check box.
  9. Review the selected packages and features and remove any selections that you do not want to install. Then, click Next.
  10. Specify the IBM HTTP Server httpd.conf configuration file location, or use the default settings. Then, click Next.
  11. Click Modify to confirm and begin and begin installation of the Report Launcher for Rational ClearQuest feature.
  12. After the process completes, click Finish to close the Installation Manager.

What to do next

Update the Report Launcher for Rational ClearQuest configuration file to specify the report storage location. See Configuring Report Launcher for Rational ClearQuest.