Modifying multiple records using multirecord update

You can perform the same actions on multiple Rational® ClearQuest® records in a query result set by using the multirecord update feature. For example, you can perform the Assign action to assign many defect records to the same person for the same iteration. You can use multirecord update to set the priority of multiple records to a single value.
The multirecord update feature uses a record and playback model. The actions that you record on a template record are replayed on the other records in a result set. The actions are played back in the order that they were recorded. You can perform actions on records such as Modify, Change State, Delete, and Record Script Alias.
Note: This implementation of the multirecord update feature is only available in the Rational ClearQuest Web client.

Multi-Record Update tab

When you start a multirecord update, the Multi-Record Update tab displays. This tab organizes and controls all the work you do to update multiple records. The Multi-Record Update tab title is red and prefixed with an asterisk (*) when the template record is being edited and during playback. The Multi-Record Update tab displays two panes. The top pane contains three tabs:
Control Panel tab
Displays information about the multirecord update including the query name, action, progress information, number of records that failed to be updated, elapsed time of the multirecord update, and time remaining. The action value is updated each time you perform an action on the template record. The progress information is updated after each record is updated. The Control Panel tab also includes playback controls. The Pause button pauses the multirecord update operation so that you can view the results. The Resume button resumes the multirecord update operation. The Pause button is enabled while the multirecord update operation is in progress. After you pause multirecord update, the Resume button is enabled.
Edits tab
Lists the fields and form control changes that you make in the template record in the order that they are made. Multiple changes to the same field are recorded separately and are replayed separately. The tab has a table with these columns:
  • The Operation column displays the operation that was performed.
  • The Name column displays the name of the control that changed.
  • The Data column displays the new data value for the control.
  • The Type column displays the type of change to be performed.
Result set tab
Displays the records that will be affected by the multirecord update. These records are called the playback records. The tab has the same name as the query. The result set tab has the same columns that are defined in the query. The Information column displays the status of each record. The Information column header is a lower case i inside of a circle. A green square indicates that the record was updated. An X inside a red circle indicates that the update failed on that record. If the column is empty, the record has not been modified by multirecord update. The other columns that display are based on what is defined in your query. You can click any column header to sort the result set by the contents of the column.
The lower pane displays the template record. The changes that you make on the template record are recorded and played back on the records that are displayed on the result set page. A red recording indicator next to the record name indicates that changes are being recorded. For the best display, ensure that your result display options are set to Single View rather than Split view. You can set this value in the User Preferences dialog. See Setting Rational ClearQuest preferences for information about setting user preferences.
Note: You can have only one Multi-Record Update tab open at a time.

Editing the template record

You record the edits that you want to make to playback records by editing the template record. When you perform a Modify or Change State action, the template form becomes editable. All the changes and clicks that you make are recorded in the order that they are made and are displayed on the Edits tab. Different field types and form controls support different types of changes. The replay types that are valid for a selected form control are displayed in the Type column. You can alter the replay type that is replayed for certain kinds of form controls, but you cannot change the text that was recorded. For example, if you intended to add STOP SHIP as a prefix to a text box, but you mistakenly type STOP SHOP, you cannot correct the spelling that has been recorded. You have to cancel the multirecord update and start again. The following table shows the field replay types for the different field type controls.
Table 1. Available field operations
Form control Multirecord update replay types
Date and Time field Replace
List box



Radio button Replace
Reference list



Single value choice-list




Text box (short string or multiline string)




Text box (integer) Replace
The following form changes are not supported by multirecord update.
  • Buttons that create a new record are not recorded.
  • Attachments buttons are not recorded.
  • Pop-up form support is disabled during a multirecord update.
  • Modifying OSLC links using the OSLCLinks package is not recorded.
  • Duplicate and Unduplicate change state actions are not supported.
Note: If you select an action from the Utilities menu, the Edits tab remains blank and the template record is not editable.