Running a multirecord update

You can issue the same actions on multiple Rational® ClearQuest® records in a result set or a full text search result set.


  1. Generate a result set to modify by running a query or a full text search. For a full text search result set, ensure that all records are the same type by limiting the search scope to one record type.
    Tip: To work with a subset of the result set records, use the Create Query from Selection feature. If the result set has more records than you want to modify, adjust the query parameters to include only the records that you want to modify, and then run the query again.
  2. Select a record to use as the template record. The changes that you perform on the template record are recorded and played back on the records that are displayed on the result set page. Right-click the record, and then click Multi-Record Update. The Multi-Record Update tab opens.
  3. Select an action such as Modify, Change State, Delete, or a utility script action.
    • If you click Modify or Change State, complete these steps:
      1. Record changes on the template record. The changes that you make to the template record are listed on the Edits tab in the order that they are made. Multiple changes to the same field are recorded separately and serially. For example, if you change a field twice, two separate operations are recorded and played back.
      2. Review the changes that are listed on the Edits tab to ensure that they are as you intended. For example, verify that you chose the correct replay type for each field operation. You can change the replay type of some actions on the Edits tab, but you cannot change the text of the operation.
      3. Click Save or Save and Close to perform the multi-record update. A confirmation dialog box opens to advise you that the template record will be saved, a multirecord update will be performed, and how many records will be updated. Click OK to proceed with the multirecord update. If there are problems saving the template record, an error message indicates that the multirecord update will not proceed. Correct the error and then save again.
    • If you click a Utility action, complete these steps:
      1. Click Delete or a utility script action.
        Note: Multirecord update does not support the Duplicate or Unduplicate actions. Also, if you chose a utility script action or a delete action, the Edits tab remains blank.
      2. Click OK to run the utility script. The confirmation message advises you that a multirecord update will be performed and indicates how many records will be updated.
  4. Monitor status of the multirecord update. You can view progress details on the Control Panel tab. Or, you can view the status of each record in the Information column on the result set tab. A green square indicates that the record was updated. An X inside a red circle indicates that the update failed on that record. Hover your pointer over the failure icon to view an error message that describes the failure. If you see that errors are occurring, click Pause in the Control Panel tab to pause the playback. Determine if the unexpected errors mean there is a problem with the recorded changes. Then decide which actions to take:
    • Make corrections to the set of records that multirecord update hasn't processed yet. Click Resume to continue the playback.
    • Cancel the multirecord update.
    See Canceling a multirecord update for more information.
    Note: The result set toolbar and the template record toolbar are disabled during playback.
  5. Review the multirecord update results. When the multirecord update is complete, all the records that were on the current result set page have either been changed and saved, or reverted because of an error.
    Tip: If errors occur, use Create Query from Selection to create a new result set that contains only the records that were not updated. Then perform the multirecord update again to correct the errors. To make it easier to select the records with errors, sort the Information column to list all the errors at the top of the result set.
  6. If you clicked Save in step 3c, then you can perform another multirecord update with the same records by starting again at step 3. For example, if you need to perform several state change operations, you could do them in succession using the same Multi-Record Update tab. When you are done performing multirecord updates, close the Multi-Record Update tab. Only one Multi-Record Update tab can be open at a time. When you close the Multi-Record Update tab, the query result set is moved to its own tab and retains the status of the multirecord update. The page size remains unchanged until you either refresh the page or move to a different page in the result set. Then the page size returns to the page size you had before you ran a multirecord update. If the template record was already open when you started the multirecord and you clicked Save in step 3c, then the template record is also moved to its own tab.

What to do next

Tune in to the IBM® Rational Support YouTube channel to learn more about configuring and using multirecord update.