The script

Use the script to generate and customize the cqemailrelay_cfg.xml EmailRelay XML configuration file.
EmailRelay uses the EmailRelay XML configuration file to complete these actions:
  • Determine how to communicate with the Rational® ClearQuest® database
  • Determine how to communicate with the Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) Email server
  • Determine which mode to start the EmailRelay application in
  • Start and stop the EmailRelay application

The syntax for Perl script is as follows:

cqperl arg1argN

The Perl script accepts three sets of command line arguments. Each set controls a different EmailRelay setting.

The arguments for the Rational ClearQuest Web server are as follows:

-dbset <dbset> -userdb <userdb> -username <user> -password <password> -serverurl <url> > [-replicaname <name> -dumppayload <dir>]

See script parameters for Rational ClearQuest Web server for a description of the Rational ClearQuest Web server arguments.

The arguments for Rational ClearQuest EmailRelay server are as follows:

-relaycfgdir <dir> -mode <postoffice | smtprelay> [-smtprelayport <port>] 

See script parameters for the Rational ClearQuest EmailRelay server for a description of the EmailRelay server arguments.

The arguments for SMTP Email server are as follows:

-smtpserver <name|IP> [-smtpport <port> -smtpuser <name> -smtppassword <password> -usessl <yes | no>] 

See script parameters for the SMTP Email server for a description of the SMTP Email server arguments.

When you run the script, it creates a backup of the existing cqemailrelay_cfg.xml file. The backup file called cqemailrelay_cfg-<time-stamp>.xml is in the directory that is identified by the EmailRelay server argument -relaycfgdir.

Important: When you run the Perl script multiple times to change the configuration, or add a new database, ensure that you use the same -relaycfgdir value each time. This is the only way for the script to know of an existing EmailRelay configuration. Otherwise, a new cqemailrelay_cfg.xml file at the new -relaycfgdir location will affect the existing settings, especially if you have setup and configured EmailRelay for two or more databases. For example, suppose that you setup and configured EmailRelay for multiple databases using the path C:\EmailRelay for the -relaycfgdir argument. Then later, you decided to change some values or add a new database, but you intended to use the D:\EmailRelay path for the -relaycfgdir argument. A new cqemailrelay_cfg.xml file will be created that does not contain the setup and configuration information that was in the previous cqemailrelay_cfg.xml file in the C:\EmailRelay directory.
Note: When you run the script to configure EmailRelay, or when you change parameters in the EmailRelay XML configuration file, you must restart the WebSphere® profile in which EmailRelay is deployed for the changes to take effect.