cqemailrelay.pl script parameters for Rational ClearQuest Web server

Use these parameters to configure the cqemailrelay.pl script for the Rational® ClearQuest® Web server.
-dbset <dbset> -userdb <userdb> -username <user> -password <password> -serverurl <url> > [-replicaname <name> -dumppayload <dir>]
Table 1. cqemailrelay.pl script parameters for Rational ClearQuest Web server
Command Parameter Description Example
-dbset <dbset> database set name -userdb EmailRelay
-userdb <userdb> user database name -dbset SAMPL
-username <cquser> user name to login to the database -username admin
-password <cqpassword> user password -password secret
-serverurl <cqoslcurl> OSLC URL -serverurl http://cqwebserver /cqweb/oslc/
-replicaname <name> replica name that this EmailRelay is being setup for. The <name> value must match the replica name that you are configuring EmailRelay for. If your database is not replicated, you do not need to use this parameter.
Note: This command-line argument is optional. Use the command only when your database is replicated.
-replicaname MySite
-dumppayload <dir> The directory into which the EmailRelay service creates a dump file. The dump file contains the data from one of two sources for each email it is about to send:
  • Data that the service received from the EmailPlus package
  • Data that was extracted from the database
Note: This command line argument is optional. Use the argument only to debug EmailRelay related issues.
dumppayload C:\CQ.EmailRelay\Dumps