cqemailrelay.pl script parameters for the Rational ClearQuest EmailRelay server

These commands and parameters are used with the cqemailrelay.pl Perl script to configure Rational® ClearQuest® EmailRelay servers.
-relaycfgdir <dir> -mode <postoffice | smtprelay> [-smtprelayport <port>] 
Table 1. cqemailrelay.pl Rational ClearQuest EmailRelay server parameters
Command Parameter Description Example
-relaycfgdir <dir> The directory that EmailRelay XML configuration file cqemailrelay_cfg.xml is saved to. -relaycfgdir C:\CQ.EmailRelay
-mode <postoffice|smtprelay> The relay mode that the EmailRelay application is to operate in. The EmailRelay configuration generates specific tags and data to be used by the EmailRelay server for the mode that you select. -mode smtprelay
-smtprelayport <port> The port that the EmailRelay application listens to when it runs in SMTP Relay mode.
Note: This command-line argument is optional. If the argument is not specified, the default port value is 36001. When the EmailRelay application is configured in PostOffice mode, the -smtprelayport command is ignored.
Restriction: Currently, the EmailPlus package does not support SSL socket as a communication protocol between the EmailPlus package and the EmailRelay application. In effect, data sent over this port is not encrypted.
-smtprelayport 36001