About the Report Launcher for Rational ClearQuest

The Report Launcher for Rational® ClearQuest® is a web application for running data-pull reports that are saved on a server file system.

You can design Rational ClearQuest data-pull reports Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools (BIRT). These reports can be run from the Rational ClearQuest Web Client application with the Report Launcher for Rational ClearQuest.

The Report Launcher for Rational ClearQuest web interface is like a download site. Users click folder links to locate a report. Then, click the report web link to run the report on the report server configured for the Rational ClearQuest reporting environment. The completed report is displayed in the report viewer associated with the report. For example, reports created with BIRT are displayed in the BIRT Report Viewer window embedded in the Report Launcher for Rational ClearQuest web interface.

The Report Launcher uses adapters to start BIRT reports from the server. Because the report launcher does not include a specific report engine, the report server runtime for the target reporting system must be installed separately on the same web server as the report launcher.
Note: If you are migrating from ClearQuest version 7.1.2.x and have reports stored in the Report Server for ClearQuest repository, you must migrate these reports to a server file system so they can be accessed using the Report Launcher for ClearQuest. You can migrate reports using the Report Exporter information on technote https://www.ibm.com/support/docview.wss?uid=swg24029627.

You can access the Report Launcher for Rational ClearQuest from Rational ClearQuest Client, Rational ClearQuest Web client, or directly from a browser.