Adding a ClearCase UCM integration
The UCM integration with ClearQuest has the following requirements:
- A ClearQuest schema that is enabled for UCM
- ClearCase with a project enabled for ClearQuest
ClearQuest provides two predefined schemas that support UCM: the UnifiedChangeManagement schema and the Enterprise schema. You can implement UCM support by using one of these schemas. See Working with schemas.
You can also add UCM support to an existing schema by adding the appropriate packages. You must perform the following steps, in the specified order, to integrate UCM with packages:
- Add the AMStateType package.
- Set the default actions for UCM.
- Add the UCMPolicyScripts package.
- Add the UnifiedChangeManagement package.
- Optional: Add the BaseCMActivity package.
- Validate and apply the schema changes.
- Configure UCM.
See Enabling record types for integrations if you already have the AMStateType, UCMPolicyScripts, UnifiedChangeManagement, and BaseCMActivity packages in your schema and you want to apply the packages to a new record type.
Adding the AMStateType package
- Use the Designer to ensure that the schema to which you want to add the package is checked in.
- Add the latest AMStateType package. See Applying package upgrades.
- The AMStateType package requires that you map state types and
define default actions if these are not already defined.
- Select the record types to enable for UCM and click Next.
- Map the states in your schema to the UCM state types in the Setup
State Types window:
- Select a record type.
- For each state in the record type, click in the State Type field and select the appropriate UCM state type. See Customizing state models with the State Transition Matrix.
- Repeat the state type mapping for each record type you enabled.
- Click Finish.
ClearQuest automatically validates your schema. The validation window indicates that you need to set default actions.
Setting the default actions for UCM
The State Transition Matrix in your schema must provide at least one path through the state type model for the UnifiedChangeManagement package, from Waiting to Ready to Active to Complete. See Displaying the state model for a record type and State type models for packages.
For each state in your schema, except the state mapped to the UCM Complete state, you must assign a default action that moves the record to the next state type in the UCM state type model. See Actions and action types.
Adding the UCMPolicyScripts package
- Use the Designer to ensure that the schema to which you want to add the package is checked in.
- Add the latest UCMPolicyScripts package. See Applying package upgrades.
Adding the UnifiedChangeManagement package
- Use the Designer to ensure that the schema to which you want to add the package is checked in.
- Add the latest UnifiedChangeManagement package. See Applying package upgrades.
Optional: Adding the BaseCMActivity package
The BaseCMActivity package adds a lightweight activity record type to your schema. You can use this alternative to the Defect record type as is, enable it for UCM, or develop it into a new record type. This package is optional.
- Use the Designer to ensure that the schema to which you want to add the package is checked in.
- Add the latest BaseCMActivity package. See Applying package upgrades.
- Edit the state types for the BaseCMActivity package. See Applying package upgrades.
Validating and applying the schema changes
Save the schema changes after installing the last UCM package:
- Validate the schema changes. See Validating schema changes.
- Check in the schema to save the schema changes. See Checking in a schema.
- Apply the schema changes to the user database. See Upgrading a user database.