Rational ClearQuest integration packages

An integration package integrates an external product with Rational® ClearQuest®. Following is a summary of the ClearQuest integration packages.
  • Earlier package versions might create different record types and fields.
  • Some packages are read-only; you cannot change their functionality.
Package Description Added or modified Fields
AMStateTypes Provides additional support for DevOps Code ClearCase® Unified Change Management (UCM) and its state types. Requires you to map schema states to the following state types: Waiting, Ready, Active, and Complete. Does not add any record types.

See Adding an DevOps Code ClearCase UCM integration.

Fields added to the enabled record type:
  • am_statetype
BaseCMActivity Supports the BaseCMActivity record type. Included in the UCM and Enterprise schemas as a lightweight activity record type. You can use this alternative to the Defect record type as is, enable it for UCM, or develop it into a new record type. See the DevOps Code ClearCase help. Adds the BaseCMActivity record type.

See Adding an DevOps Code ClearCase UCM integration.

Fields included in the BaseCMActivity, record type:
  • Owner
  • Description
  • Headline
DevOps Code ClearCase (read-only) Provides basic support for the Base DevOps Code ClearCase integration. This package does not set up Rational ClearQuest to use predefined DevOps Code ClearCase policies; these policies must be set by the DevOps Code ClearCase administrator. Adds the cc_change_set and cc_vob_object record types. Adds the DevOps Code ClearCase tab to the enabled record type. Fields included in the cc_change_set:
  • record type:
  • objects
Fields included in the cc_vob_object:
  • record type:
  • name
  • object_oid
  • vob_family_uuid
Fields added to the enabled record type:
  • cc_change_set
PQC (read-only) Supports the integration with IBM® Rational Purify, IBM Rational Quantify, and IBM Rational PureCoverage. Adds a PQC tab to the form of the enabled record type. Fields added to the enabled record type:
  • PQC_DiagnosticTool
  • PQC_Executable
  • PQC_TestCommand
  • PQC_TestTool
  • PQC_Stack
  • PQC_StackID
Project Use to track records according to project. (This package is not related to the "Project" concept in the UCM package.) Creates a Project stateless record type. Fields included in the Project record type:
  • Name
  • Description
Fields added to the enabled record type:
  • Project
UCMPolicyScripts Supports the UCM package by adding some global scripts.
For UCM policy hooks, you must first explicitly get the Entity object. See the Rational ClearQuest API Reference help.
Does not add any record types.

See Adding an DevOps Code ClearCase UCM integration.

Adding DevOps Code ClearCase UCM integration
UnifiedChangeManagement (UCM) (read-only) Supports the DevOps Code ClearCase UCM process by enabling integration with DevOps Code ClearCase 4.0 and higher. Links a DevOps Code ClearCase UCM project with a Rational ClearQuest user database. Requires the UCMPolicyScripts package and AMStateTypes package. Can be used with the BaseCMActivity package. Requires you to map schema states to the following state types: Waiting, Active, Ready, Complete. Adds the UCMUtilityActivity record type. Adds UCM_Project stateless record type. Adds UCM queries to the client workspace in the Public Folders. Adds BASE action hook ucm_base_synchronize to the enabled record type. Adds some predefined policies hooks.

See Adding an DevOps Code ClearCase UCM integration.

Fields included in the UCMUtilityActivity record type:
  • am_statetype
  • Description
  • Owner
  • Headline
  • ucm_vob_object
  • ucm_stream_object
  • ucm_stream
  • ucm_view
  • ucm_project
Fields included in the UCM_Project record type:
  • name
  • ucm_vob_object
  • ucm_chk_before_deliver
  • ucm_chk_before_work_on
  • ucm_chk_mstr_before_dlvr
  • ucm_chk_mstr_after_dlvr
  • ucm_cq_act_after_deliver
  • ucm_cq_trans_after_deliver
  • ucm_cq_act_before_chact
  • ucm_cq_act_after_chact
  • ucm_cq_trans_after_chact
Fields added to the enabled record type:
  • am_statetype
  • ucm_vob_object
  • ucm_stream_object
  • ucm_stream
  • ucm_view
  • ucm_project