Features in the feature levels

The table identifies the features available at each feature level to help you determine which feature level you want to move your environment to.

To determine what features are in the feature levels, run the command: installutil showfeaturelevels

Table 1. Features in the feature level
Feature Level Feature description
Feature Level 5
Feature Level 6
Feature level 7
Feature level 8 See technote 1634465.
Feature level 9 See technote 7038259, on the tab, in the What's new in this release section.
Feature level10
  • Additional characters are now allowed in group names, specifically ".", "@", and "~".

Considerations for feature level 7 features

Full-text search takes advantages of MultiSite technologies that are present in versions of Rational ClearQuest MultiSite before 7.1.x. These technologies were introduced in non-MultiSite Rational ClearQuest version 7.1.x and later. As a result, the full-text search feature level support is different in MultSite and non-MultiSite installations.

  • In non-MultiSite environments with Rational ClearQuest Version 7.1.x or later, full-text search is supported in Feature level 7 databases.
  • In a MultiSite environment, full-text search is supported in databases at feature level 5, 6 and 7 as long as all the Web servers have been upgraded to Rational ClearQuest Version 7.1.x.

Considerations for feature level 5 features

  • The features Record ID limitation improvement, Synchronization of null values with Rational ClearQuest MultiSite, and Ability to rename a site in Rational ClearQuest MultiSite in feature level 5 are disabled in databases created with versions of Rational ClearQuest earlier than 7.0.0. Databases at feature levels 5, 6, and 7 created with Rational ClearQuest Version 7.1.x automatically enables these features. If you have databases at feature level 5 with these features disabled and the databases were created before Rational ClearQuest Version 7.0.0, upgrading to feature level 6, or 7 with Rational ClearQuest Version 7.1.x enables these features.
    • installutil sethighrecordlimit - This command enables Record ID limitation improvement, Synchronization of null values with Rational ClearQuest MultiSite, and Ability to rename a site in Rational ClearQuest MultiSite. For more information, see Increasing the user database record ID limit.
  • The feature Storing History Dates in Coordinated Universal Time in feature level 5 is disabled in all databases regardless of which version of Rational ClearQuest created it. Creating a feature level 6, or 7 database with Rational ClearQuest Version 7.1.x, or upgrading a feature level 5 database to feature level 6, or 7 with Rational ClearQuest Version 7.1.x enables this feature.