Workspace object methods
The following list summarizes the Workspace object methods:
- Method name
- Description
- CreateWorkspaceFolder
- Creates a new workspace folder and returns the new DBID.
- DeleteWorkspaceItemByDbId
- Deletes the workspace item designated by DBID.
- GetAllQueriesList
- Returns the complete list of queries in the workspace.
- GetChartDbIdList
- Returns the list of DBIDs parallel to the list of names returned from GetChartList.
- GetChartDef
- Returns the QueryDef object associated with the specified chart.
- GetChartDefByDbId
- Returns the QueryDef object associated with the specified DBID. Same as GetChartDef, except the lookup is by DBID.
- GetChartList
- Returns the specified list of charts.
- GetChartMgr
- Returns the CHARTMGR object associated with the current session.
- GetFolder
- Returns a Folder object representing the folder specified by name.
- GetFolderByDbId
- Returns a Folder object representing the folder specified by database ID.
- GetPersonalFolder
- Returns a Folder object representing the personal queries folder for the current user.
- GetPersonalFolderForUser
- Returns a Folder object representing the personal queries folder for the given user.
- GetPersonalFolderName
- Returns name of the personal queries folder from the resource file.
- GetPublicFolder
- Returns a Folder object representing the public queries folder.
- GetPublicFolderName
- Returns name of the public queries folder from the resource file.
- GetQueryDbId
- Returns the DBID of a query workspace item, given the query name.
- GetQueryDbIdList
- Returns the list of DBIDs parallel to the names returned from GetQueryList.
- GetQueryDef
- Returns the QueryDef object associated with the specified workspace query.
- GetQueryDefByDbId
- Returns the QueryDef object associated with the specified workspace query. Same as GetQueryDef, except the lookup is by DBID.
- GetQueryList
- Returns the specified list of workspace queries.
- GetReportDbIdList
- Returns the list of DBIDs parallel to the list returned from GetReportList.
- GetReportList
- Returns the specified list of reports.
- GetReportMgr
- Returns the ReportMgr object associated with the current session.
- GetReportMgrByReportDbId
- Returns the ReportMgr object associated with the current session. Same as GetReportMgr, except the report is designated by DBID.
- GetSiteExtendedNames
- Gets extended names of workspace items.
- GetWorkspaceItemDbIdList
- Returns a list of DBIDs of workspace items based on the input criteria.
- GetWorkspaceItemMasterReplicaName
- Returns the master replica name of the workspace item.
- GetWorkspaceItemName
- Returns name of a workspace item.
- GetWorkspaceItemParentDbId
- Returns the parent DBID of the given workspace item.
- GetWorkspaceItemPathName
- Returns a list of path names for the workspace item, including the name of the workspace item itself.
- GetWorkspaceItemSiteExtendedName
- Returns site extended name of a workspace item, whether it needs it or not.
- GetWorkspaceItemType
- Returns workspace item type, as enumerated in WorkspaceItemType.
- InsertNewChartDef
- Inserts a new chart into the workspace, under the workspace folder specified by parent DBID.
- InsertNewQueryDef
- Inserts a new query into the workspace, under the workspace folder specified by parent DBID.
- Refresh
- Reloads the content in the workspace.
- RenameWorkspaceItem
- Rename a workspace item.
- RenameWorkspaceItemByDbId
- Rename a workspace item. Same as RenameWorkspaceItem except lookup is by workspace item DBID rather than name.
- SaveQueryDef
- Saves the query to the specified location in the workspace.
- SetSession
- Associates the specified Session object with this object.
- SetUserName
- Sets the current user name when searching for queries, charts, or reports.
- SetWorkspaceItemMasterReplica
- Sets the mastership of the workspace item.
- SiteExtendedNameRequired
- Returns whether a site extended name is required for the given workspace item.
- SiteHasMastership
- Tests whether this object is mastered in the session database.
- UpdateChartDef
- Overwrites an existing chart workspace item specified by DBID, with the QueryDef object.
- UpdateQueryDef
- Overwrites an existing query workspace item specified by DBID, with the given QueryDef object.
- ValidateQueryDefName
- Verifies that the specified query name and path info are correct.