Workspace Object
The Rational® ClearQuest® workspace consists of a folder hierarchy where queries, charts and reports are stored. The Workspace (WorkSpaceMgr for Perl) object provides an interface for manipulating saved queries, reports, and charts in the Rational ClearQuest workspace.
You can use this object:
- To write external applications to examine the contents of the Rational ClearQuest workspace.
- In conjunction with the QueryDef Object to execute saved queries, the ChartMgr Object to execute charts, and the ReportMgr Object to execute reports.
If you already have a Session object, you can get the Workspace object associated with the current session by calling the Session object's GetWorkSpace method.
If you do not have a Session object, your VB code can create a new Workspace object directly using the CreateObject method as follows:
set wkspcObj = CreateObject("CLEARQUEST.WORKSPACE")
Your Perl code uses this syntax:
$wkspcObj = new CQWorkSpaceMgr
Before you can use a Workspace object created using CreateObject, you must assign a Session object to it. To assign a Session object, you must call the SetSession method of the Workspace object.
You use the methods of the Workspace object to get information about the contents of the Rational ClearQuest workspace. You can get a list of the queries, charts, or reports in the workspace. You can also separate items based on whether they are in the Public Queries folder or in a user's Personal Queries folder.
For each folder type, it is designated as either a public or user (personal) folder, which is enumerated under the WorkspaceFolderType. The two top folders for a workspace are always a public and a personal folder, which are created automatically when a Rational ClearQuest user database is created.
You can also use this object to save queries back to the workspace.
Each workspace item has a dbid assigned to it and its type is enumerated under WorkspaceItemType in clearquest.bas.