Returns the specified list of reports.
This method returns the pathnames of the public or personal reports defined in the Rational® ClearQuest® workspace. The reporttype parameter lets you specify the type of reports to return. Specifying the constant OLEWKSPCSYSTEMREPORTS (1)returns only the public reports defined by the Rational ClearQuest administrator. Specifying the constant OLEWKSPCBOTHREPORTS (3)returns a list of all of the reports in the workspace (including those of all users).
To return only the reports defined by a particular user, you must first set the current user name by calling the SetUserName method. You can then call this method, specifying the constant OLEWKSPCUSERREPORTS (2) for the reporttype parameter.
workspace.GetReportList reporttype
- Identifier
- Description
- workspace
- The Workspace object obtained from the current session.
- reporttype
- The type of reports to return.
- public reports
- personal reports
- all public and personal reports
For Visual Basic, this value corresponds to one of the WorkspaceQueryType constants enumerated constants.
- Return value
- For Visual Basic, returns an array of Variants
(each containing a string) that make up the list of report definition
names known to the database. Each string contains the pathname of
a single report.
For Perl, a reference to an array of strings. Each string contains the pathname of a single report.