Entity object methods
The following list summarizes the Entity object methods:
Note: For all Perl Get and Set methods
that map to Visual Basic Properties, see the Properties section of
this object.
- Method name
- Description
- AddAttachmentFieldValue
- Inserts the file and description into the list of attachments.
- AddFieldValue
- Adds the specified value to the list of values in the named field.
- BeginNewFieldUpdateGroup
- Marks the beginning of a series of SetFieldValue calls.
- Commit
- Updates the database with the changes made to the Entity object.
- DeleteAttachmentFieldValue
- Deletes the attachment.
- DeleteFieldValue
- Removes the specified value from the field's list of values.
- EditAttachmentFieldDescription
- Updates the description field of the given attachment.
- EditEntity
- Performs the specified action on a record and makes the record available for editing.
- FireNamedHook
- Executes a named hook (record script) of this record's EntityDef Object.
- GetActionName
- Returns the name of the action associated with the current Entity object.
- GetActionType
- Returns the type of the action associated with the current Entity object.
- GetAllDuplicates
- Returns links to all of the duplicates of this Entity, including duplicates of duplicates.
- GetAllFieldValues
- Returns an array of FieldInfo objects corresponding to all of the Entity object's fields.
- GetAttachmentDisplayNameHeader
- Returns the attachment display names, given the attachment fieldname.
- GetCommitTime
- Returns the time used for the history timestamp when the action is committed.
- GetCommitTimeAsString
Returns the string of the time used for the history timestamp when the action is committed.
- GetDbId
- Returns the Entity object's database ID number.
- GetDefaultActionName
- Returns the default action associated with the current state.
- GetDisplayName
- Returns the unique key associated with the Entity.
- GetDisplayNameAsList
- Returns the field values that comprise the unique key of the Entity as an array.
- GetDisplayNameFields
- Returns a list of field names that comprise the unique key for the Entity.
- GetDuplicates
- Returns links to the immediate duplicates of this object.
- GetEntityDefName
- Returns the name of the EntityDef object that serves as a template for this object.
- GetFieldChoiceList
- Returns the list of permissible values for the specified field.
- GetFieldChoiceType
- Returns the type of the given choice-list field.
- GetFieldMaxLength
- Returns the maximum length of the field as specified when you create the field using Rational® ClearQuest® Designer. This value corresponds to the number of bytes allowed in the column.
- GetFieldNames
- Returns the names of the fields in the Entity object.
- GetFieldOriginalValue
- Returns the FieldInfo containing the value that the specified field will revert to, if the action is cancelled.
- GetFieldRequiredness
- Identifies the behavior of the specified field.
- GetFieldStringValue
- Returns the list of values of the specified field as a single String.
- GetFieldStringValueAsList
- Returns a list of values for the specified field.
- GetFieldStringValues
- Returns the list of values stored for each of the specified field names.
- GetFieldsUpdatedThisAction
- Returns a FieldInfo object for each field that was modified by the most recent action.
- GetFieldsUpdatedThisEntireAction
- Returns a FieldInfo object for each field that was modified by the entire action, including changes made in any initialization hooks.
- GetFieldsUpdatedThisGroup
- Returns a FieldInfo object for each field that was modified since the most recent call to BeginNewFieldUpdateGroup.
- GetFieldsUpdatedThisSetValue
- Returns a FieldInfo object for each of the Entity's fields that was modified by the most recent SetFieldValue call.
- GetFieldType
- Identifies the type of data that can be stored in the specified field.
- GetFieldValue
- Returns the FieldInfo object for the specified field.
- GetInvalidFieldValues
- Returns an array of FieldInfo objects corresponding to all the Entity's incorrect fields.
- GetLegalAccessibleActionDefNames
- Returns the names of accessible actions for a given record (Entity object) that are both legal for the user and possible to execute if there is an access control hook defined.
- GetLegalActionDefNames
- Returns the names of the actions that can be used on this Entity object.
- GetLockOwner
- Can be used to determine whether the record is locked or not.
- GetOriginal
- Returns the Entity object that is marked as the original of this duplicate object.
- GetOriginalID
- Returns the visible ID of this object's original Entity object.
- GetSession
- Returns the current Session Object.
- GetType
- Returns the type (state-based or stateless) of the Entity.
- HasDuplicates
- Reports whether this object is the original of one or more duplicates.
- InvalidateFieldChoiceList
- Use with SetFieldChoiceList to refresh values in a choice list.
- IsDuplicate
- Indicates whether this Entity object has been marked as a duplicate of another Entity object.
- IsEditable
- Returns True if the Entity object can be modified at this time.
- IsOriginal
- Returns True if this Entity has duplicates but is not itself a duplicate.
- LoadAttachment
- Loads an attachment to the specified destination filename.
- LockRecord
- Creates a lock on the record.
- LookupStateName
- Returns the name of the Entity object's current state.
- Reload
- Refreshes the current in-memory copy of the record with the latest value from the database.
- Revert
- Discards any changes made to the Entity object.
- SetFieldChoiceList
- Use with InvalidateFieldChoiceList to reset choice list values.
- SetFieldRequirednessForCurrentAction
- Sets the behavior of a field for the duration of the current action.
- SetFieldValue
- Places the specified value in the named field.
- SetFieldValues
- Places the specified values in the named fields.
- SiteHasMastership
- Tests whether this object is mastered in the local (session) database.
- UnlockRecord
- Releases the lock on the record.
- Validate
- Validates the Entity object and reports any errors.
Additional Perl Get and Set Methods that map to VBScript properties:
- Method name
- Description
- GetAttachmentFields
- Returns the AttachmentFields collection object containing this Entity object's attachment fields.
- GetHistoryFields
- Returns the HistoryFields collection object containing this Entity object's history fields.