Releases the lock on the record. Only the user that owns the lock, or a user with superuser privilege, or a user that a schema designer authorizes, can remove a lock. Throws an exception to indicate either the record is locked by another user, another session, or the record was updated.
Record locks are automatically released when the action is committed or reverted. You can use a RECORD_SCRIPT_ALIAS hook to manually remove a lock that has been abandoned.
To enable manual record unlocking, for each
record type:
- Create a new Record Script named Unlock.
- Add a new action named Unlock of type RECORD_SCRIPT_ALIAS.
- Set the action Record Script to the Unlock script.
Note: This method became available in version 7.1.
- Identifier
- Description
- entity
- An Entity object representing a user data record. Inside a hook, if you omit this part of the syntax, the Entity object corresponding to the current data record is assumed (VBScript only).
- Return value
- None.
Function Defect_Unlock(param)
' param As Variant
' record type name is Defect
REM add your hook code here
Dim result
Dim session
Dim locked_by
' Get the session
set session = GetSession
locked_by = GetLockOwner
if (locked_by <> "") then
Dim do_unlock
do_unlock = session.IsUserSuperUser
if (NOT do_unlock) then
' If the current user holds the lock, let them unlock it.
Dim username
username = session.GetUserLoginName
if (username = locked_by) then
do_unlock = true
end if
end if
if (NOT do_unlock) then
' Additional options to "authorize" unlocking:
' 1) allow if user is a member of an "unlock" group
' get user's groups, check if member
' 2) allow for some privileged users, e.g. Security Administrator
' check session for the chosen privilege
' 3) many other possibilities
end if
if (do_unlock) then
result = "You are not allowed to unlock this record."
end if
end if
End Function
sub Defect_Unlock {
my($param) = @_;
# record type name is Defect
if (ref ($param) eq "CQEventObject") {
# add your CQEventObject parameter handling code here
} elsif (ref (\$param) eq "SCALAR") {
# add your scalar parameter handling code here
# The Web clients support scalar parameter type only,
# so the hook code added in the above section, needs to be duplicated here
} else {
# add your handling code for other type parameters here, for example:
# die("Unknown parameter type");
$result = "";
my $locked_by = $entity->GetLockOwner();
if ($locked_by ne "") {
my $do_unlock = $session->IsUserSuperUser();
if (! $do_unlock) {
# If the current user holds the lock, let them unlock it.
my $username = $session->GetUserLoginName();
if ($username =~ /^$locked_by$/i) {
$do_unlock = 1;
if (! $do_unlock) {
# Additional options to "authorize" unlocking:
# 1) allow if user is a member of an "unlock" group
# get user's groups, check if member
# 2) allow for some privileged users, e.g. Security Administrator
# check session for the chosen privilege
# 3) many other possibilities
if ($do_unlock) {
else {
$result = "You are not allowed to unlock this record.";
return $result;