Places the specified values in the named fields. This method allows multiple field values to be set with one call. The two input string arrays are parallel lists, where field_names lists the field names and new_values lists the field values. For example, item N in field_names provides the field name and item N in new_values provides the value for that field.
The return value is an array of result messages for each field. Each result message is the same message that is returned by a single call to the SetFieldValue method. If there are no errors, the result is a String array of the same number of elements as field_names, with each element being an empty String.
entity.SetFieldValues field_names, new_values
$entity->SetFieldValues (field_names, new_values);
- Identifier
- Description
- entity
- An Entity object representing a user data record. Inside a hook, if you omit this part of the syntax, the Entity object corresponding to the current data record is assumed (VBScript only).
- field_names
- The list of field names for values to be set.
For VBScript, a Variant containing an array of Strings. Each String contains a valid field name of this Entity object.
For Perl, a reference to an array of strings containing the valid field names.
- new_values
- The list of field values to set for the specified field
For VBScript, a Variant containing an array of Strings. Each String contains a field value.
For Perl, a reference to an array of strings containing the new values.
- Return value
- For VBScript, a Variant containing an array of result messages
for each field.
For Perl, a reference to an array of strings containing the result messages for each field.
If changes to the field are permitted, this method returns an empty String; otherwise, this method returns a String containing an explanation of the error.
Dim FieldList
ReDim FieldList(2) ' This sets up an array of three elements
Dim ValList
ReDim ValList(2)
entity.SetFieldValues FieldList, ValList
my @fieldnames = ("submitter", "owner");
my @fieldvalues = ("userA", "userB");
$entity->SetFieldValues(\@fieldnames, \@fieldvalues);