Using License Key Administrator

IBM® Rational License Key Administrator (LKAD) provides an interface to Rational Common Licensing (powered by Flexera software).

About this task

Use LKAD or the LKAD wizard to enter or import license keys and change your license configuration. DevOps Code ClearCase® and Rational® ClearQuest® version 7.1.2 use Rational Common Licensing version 8.1.1. Rational Common Licensing includes the license server and LKAD.
  • LKAD is available for the Windows platform only.
  • For DevOps Code ClearCase and Rational ClearQuest version 7.1.2, any prior version of LKAD is uninstalled when updating either DevOps Code ClearCase and Rational ClearQuest using the IBM Installation Manager. To use LKAD, you must install version 8.1.1 or later using Installation Manager.
  • In previous releases of DevOps Code ClearCase and Rational ClearQuest, LKAD was installed by default into the installation directory. For version 7.1.2, LKAD is a separate install and you can choose to not install LKAD when installing DevOps Code ClearCase and Rational ClearQuest. If you choose to not install LKAD with DevOps Code ClearCase and Rational ClearQuest, you can use Installation Manager to install LKAD at a later time. LKAD is included on the DVD for DevOps Code ClearCase and Rational ClearQuest.
  • You must have administrative privileges on the computer before you can enter or import license key information in LKAD.
To access LKAD and the LKAD wizard on a client, click Start > All Programs > IBM DevOps > License Key Administrator. Use LKAD to:
  • Import an authorized user license file.
  • Enter a temporary authorized user license key.
  • Specify a license server to request floating licenses.
  • Go to License Key Center to request permanent license keys.
To access LKAD and the LKAD wizard on the license server, click Start > All Programs > IBM DevOps > DevOps License Server > License Key Administrator. Use LKAD to:
  • Import a floating or named-user floating license key.
  • Enter a temporary floating license key.
  • Go to License Key Center to request permanent license keys.

To access the Help, click Help in the LKAD main menu, click Help in the LKAD wizard, or open index.htm in the directory install_path\doc\help\locale_code\licadmin.

Example of a directory path to index.htm using C:\Program Files\IBM\RationalSDLC for install_path and 0409 for locale_code where 0409 is the code for EN:

C:\Program Files\IBM\RationalSDLC\doc\help\0409\licadmin\index.htm

Certain administrative privileges are required to complete tasks in License Key Administrator (LKAD). If you cannot perform a task in LKAD, it might mean that you are missing local administrative privileges on that computer. Disabled menu options in the LKAD wizard, menu bar, or button bar indicate limited privileges.
  1. To see which privileges are missing, select Help > About DevOps License Key Administrator. You might see one or more of the following statements.
    Statement Explanation
    Cannot write to HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE in the Windows Registry. You cannot specify a license server.
    Cannot Start and Stop a Windows Service. You cannot start the license server.
    Cannot create a file. You cannot import a license key file on to your computer.
    Cannot modify a file. You cannot enter a temporary license key in your computer.
  2. Request the missing Windows administrator privileges from your system administrator.