Setting up full-text search in a Rational ClearQuest MultiSite deployment

Setting up full-text search in an Rational® ClearQuest® MultiSite deployment is similar to the other scenarios discussed in this section. You set up one full-text search server to serve all of the Rational ClearQuest MultiSite servers. The primary difference is that you must deploy full-text search on the master replica.

About this task

The full-text search feature works transparently in a Rational ClearQuest MultiSite deployment. After you enable the feature on the master replica, and the master_properties table is replicated to all the databases in your deployment, all Rational ClearQuest Web servers are enabled for full-text search.

If you have secured the Solr administrative console to protect access to the full-text search service as described in Securing the Solr administrative console, ensure that all of the load-balanced Rational ClearQuest Web servers can access the Solr search service. See Enabling full-text search on production databases for details.