Enabling full-text search on the SAMPL database

Enable full-text search on the out-of-the-box Rational® ClearQuest® SAMPL database to learn about configuring the feature and its capabilities.

Before you begin

This scenario should take approximately 15 minutes to complete because the SAMPL database has few records.

About this task

This scenario uses a schema repository with a connection named TextSearch and a user database named SAMPL. The path specifications assume that you are running on the Windows operating system. Make the appropriate substitutions if you are running on the UNIX system or Linux.


  1. Run the cqtsadmin.pl command, with the init_cq_fts and create_fts_was_profile options, in a command prompt window:

    cqperl cqtsadmin.pl --username admin --password secret --dbset TextSearch --userdb SAMPL --ftshome D:\CQ.Search --init_cq_fts --create_fts_was_profile automatic --fts_was_profile_home D:\CQFTS.WASprofiles

    When this command completes, configuration data corresponding to your schema is placed in the following directory: D:\CQ.Search\TextSearch_SAMPL\
  2. Edit the entity file associated with the deployment: D:\CQ.Search\TextSearch_SAMPL\Entity-TextSearch-SAMPL.txt. For each record type, select a display field to appear in the full-text search results by prepending an ampersand (&). For example, change this:
    to this:
    You are not required to select a display field for each record type. However, if you do not, the dbid field is used as the default display field, which probably will not be useful in the search results. Note that you can always change the display field later without re-indexing the data. See Changing the display field for indexed record types for details.
    Important: When you are setting up full-text search on your production database, in addition to selecting display fields, you must also select which record types and associated fields to index. For example, if you do not want to index the Email_Rule record type, delete it from the list. To index only the Name and Phone fields for the Customer record type, delete the other fields.
  3. Edit the D:\CQ.Search\TextSearch_SAMPL\cqtsadmin-TextSearch-SAMPL.xml configuration file.
    1. Change the value of the <updateIndexDelay> tag from this:
      <newValue required="no"></newValue>

      to this:com

      <newValue required="no">60</newValue>

      This changes the default value of the update-mode indexing delay from 10 minutes (600 seconds) to 60 seconds, meaning that it will take approximately 60 seconds for a change that you make to a record to appear in a full-text search result set.

    2. Optional: Change the value of the <updateIndexLoginInterval> tag from this:
      <newValue required="no"></newValue>

      to this:

      <newValue required="no">10</newValue>

      This changes the number of cycles of update-mode record extraction prior to issuing an account re-login from the default value of 1 to 10.

  4. Run the cqtsadmin.pl command again with the setup_cq_fts option to complete your deployment:

    cqperl cqtsadmin.pl --username admin --password secret --dbset TextSearch --userdb SAMPL --ftshome D:\CQ.Search --setup_cq_fts

    Important: In a production environment, Rational ClearQuest Web client users can use full-text search during batch-mode indexing. However, results will be incomplete until the indexing completes.
  5. UNIX system and Linux: If you are running on the UNIX system or Linux, verify that the following command is run as part of your start-up daemon to ensure that Solr and the record indexer automatically start when the system is restarted:
    where the variables are:
    Directory where the WebSphere® Application Server profile for full-text search resides
    Name of the WebSphere Application Server profile for the full-text search feature
    For example:
    /opt/CQFTS.WASprofiles/cqfts_TextSearch_SAMPL/bin/startServer.sh server1 -profileName cqfts_TextSearch_SAMPL


You have enabled full-text search on the SAMPL database.