Enabling full-text search on a non-English database

Enable full-text search on your non-English Rational® ClearQuest® user database by editing the Solr schema.xml file to use the appropriate language analyzer.

Before you begin

This scenario uses an Rational ClearQuest schema repository with a connection named TextSearch and a user database named SAMPL. The path specifications assume that you are running on Windows. Make the appropriate substitutions if you are running on the UNIX system or Linux.

About this task

This scenario is nearly the same as deploying the Rational ClearQuest full-text search feature on an English database. The only difference is that after running the cqtsadmin.pl command with the init_cq_fts option and the operation completes, you edit the Solr schema.xml file to use the appropriate language analyzer.


  1. Run the cqtsadmin.pl command with the init_cq_fts, create_fts_was_profile, and fts_was_profile_home options as you do in a standard deployment for an English database:

    cqperl cqtsadmin.pl --username admin --password secret --dbset TextSearch --userdb SAMPL --ftshome D:\CQ.Search --init_cq_fts --create_fts_was_profile automatic --fts_was_profile_home D:\CQFTS.WASprofiles\TextSearch-SAMPL\

  2. Edit the Solr schema.xml file, located in the D:\CQ.Search\TextSearch_SAMPL\Solr\solr\config directory, to use the appropriate language analyzer for your user database. See the Language Analysis page of the Apache Solr wiki for details. For example, if the native language of your database is Chinese, edit the schema.xml file to use the Chinese analyzer.
  3. Complete the configuration of your full-text search deployment.