You can create a report using a query result set.
Before you begin
To create a report, you must have a report format for the record type
that you want to report against.
About this task
create a report using a query result set:
- Run the query for which to generate a report. The Result Set page appears in the upper right pane.
- If you want to include only specific rows of the
result set in the report, select them:
- To select multiple consecutive rows, press the Shift key while selecting.
- To select multiple nonconsecutive rows, press the Ctrl key while selecting.
- Click . opens.
- In the Create Report window, navigate to the desired
folder and select a report format to use.
- Specify which rows to include in the report:
- To include only the rows that you selected in the result set, click Selected
Rows in the Create Report with area
- To include all rows in the result set, click All
- Click OK. The
report appears in the right pane.