Modifying multiple records

In situations where you want to make the same modification to more than one record, you can modify multiple Rational® ClearQuest® records at one time.

About this task

To modify multiple records:


  1. Run a query whose result set includes the records you want to modify.
  2. On the Result set tab, select the records to modify. To select multiple records consecutive records, use the Shift key. To select multiple nonconsecutive records, use the Ctrl key.
  3. On the record form, click Actions and select an action.
  4. In the Multiple Record Update window, click Yes or No depending on whether you want to apply the changes made to the first record to all selected records.
  5. If you clicked Yes in the previous step, you are asked to specify whether to view each record before committing the changes to the database. Click Yes or No.
  6. Click OK. The first record that you selected appears in the record form.
  7. Modify the record as needed, and click Apply.
  8. Do one of the following:
    • If you chose No in Step 4, make the changes you want to each record as it appears in the record form. Then click Apply.
    • If you chose Yes in Step 5, make additional changes, as needed, to each record as it is displayed. Then click Apply.
    To bypass making changes to a record, click Skip.


When a record transitions to a different state, mandatory fields are highlighted in red.