Finding and viewing a record

Each record is assigned a unique ID. If you know the ID of the record you want to work with, you can search for it specifically.

About this task

To search the Rational® ClearQuest® database for a specific record:


  1. Click Edit > Find Record.
  2. From the Entity list, select an entity type.
  3. In the ID field, type the record ID. You do not need to type the entire record ID. For example, to find the record SAMPL000020, you can type 20.
  4. Click OK.
    Note: New records with security context that are created after you establish your database connection are not visible in your current session. The reason is that the security settings in effect at login time determine which records are visible in a user session. To view a new record with security context, you must refresh your database connection by closing the current database session and establishing a new one.