About exporting and importing reports

There may be times when a team member needs to use a report that you created, or when you want to use a report created by a team member. Rational® ClearQuest® lets you export and import reports so that you can easily share the same report instead of creating it from scratch.

Exporting reports

If you are exporting a report for use in another schema repository, ensure that the target databases have the same queries and report format fields as the source database. The user databases must be built from the same schema, and ideally, from the same version of the schema.

You can also export report information for use in applications other than Rational ClearQuest.
Note: Avoid using the following bracket characters in text fields, as Rational ClearQuest does not export these characters: {, }, <, >.

Importing reports

You can import previously defined reports into Rational ClearQuest. If you are importing a report from another schema repository, ensure that it has the same queries and report format fields as the database with which you will use the imported report. The user databases must be built from the same schema, and ideally, from the same version of the schema.