Loading and updating a record template

You can load and update a record template stored in the user database. A template is created by a user with authority to submit records and the template cannot be shared between users.

About this task

To load and update a record template:


  1. On the Rational® ClearQuest® Web toolbar, click New Defect and select a record type. The record form opens for the selected record type.
  2. Click the arrow next to the Template list at the bottom of the window, select an already saved template from list and click Load to fill in the values stored in template.
  3. Optional: Modify the form values in the record template. Then select Save from the Load list to overwrite these changes to the existing template.

What to do next

Note: You can remove a record template from the list. Click the arrow next to the Template list at the bottom of the window, select the desired template and click Remove.