Viewing and saving UCM change set versions

You can track the progress of development work associated with a record by viewing the UCM change set versions. You can also save the UCM change set versions to a text file.

Before you begin

Verify that DevOps Code ClearCase® WAN server is running on the Rational® ClearQuest® Server machine, and that it is configured properly.

Ensure that you have a valid user ID and password to log on to the DevOps Code ClearCase WAN server.

About this task

To view and save change set version:


  1. In Rational ClearQuest Web, open a UCM-enabled record, and then click the Unified Change Management tab.
  2. Click View Change Set to display the change set versions in the Change Set field.
  3. When prompted, enter a valid user ID and password to log on to the DevOps Code ClearCase WAN server. If you receive the following error message, ensure that the CCRC WAN Server URL value in the Connect to DevOps Code ClearCase dialog is valid. CRMAP7009: CCRC command "Login" failed: Error: "Unknown server host: "xxx""
  4. If you want to save the change set versions to a text file, right-click the Change Set field, and then click Save Change Set to File. Choose a name and location for your change set file, and then click OK.
    Note: It is required to have a DevOps Code ClearCase UCM view context to display the change set. But, there is no guarantee that a valid view context can always be obtained.

What to do next

To refresh the change set version information while the record is open, click Refresh Change Set.