About reporting capabilities when using the Rational ClearQuest Web client

The Rational® ClearQuest® Web client supports a subset of reporting functionality.

Running data-pull reports

Data-pull reports are viewed and run outside the Rational ClearQuest Web client with the Report Launcher for Rational ClearQuest server component and web interface. This functionality is available if the Rational ClearQuest environment has been configured with the required reporting components. For more information about the report launcher and how to deploy it, see About the Report Launcher for Rational ClearQuest. If these features are available, the Manage Reports toolbar button is shown in the Rational ClearQuest Web client menu. Click the Manage Reports button to start the Report Launcher forRational ClearQuest web interface. For details on using the Report Launcher, see Using the Report Launcher for Rational ClearQuest.

If the Manage Reports button is not active, an administrator can activate it by logging into the Rational ClearQuest Web Client and specifying the Report Launcher for Rational ClearQuest URL in the Report Server field on the Site Administration menu. The URL has a form similar to the following: