Record types

A record type is the layout or format for a particular type of change request. It defines the actions, fields, forms, behaviors, and possibly the state information associated with a record. Each record type is associated with its own state model, forms, and hooks, which control the collection and viewing of data for that type of change request.

State-based and stateless record types

Rational® ClearQuest® software supports state-based and stateless record types.

A state-based record type moves through a series of statuses or states (for example, Submitted, Assigned, Active, and Resolved), as a result of actions performed by users throughout the project. Depending on how your schema is defined, you might be able to perform the following actions on state-based records: Submit, Modify, Change State, Duplicate, Unduplicate, and Delete.

A stateless record type holds data but does not change states. Examples of stateless record types include user, project, and customer records. The only actions that you can perform on stateless record types are Submit, Modify, and Delete.

State-based records can reference one or more stateless records. For example, a Rational ClearQuest user might assign defects (a state-based record type) to a project (a stateless record type).

Someone with the Super User privilege can add and remove fields to a record type by using the Designer.

Four stateless system record types are available: History, Attachments, Groups, and Users.

You can perform the following actions on both state-based and stateless records: Bookmark, Add to Rational ClearQuest Favorites, Email, and Print. A Bookmark is created and accessible through your browser and a Rational ClearQuest Favorite is added to the session and accessible from the left pane.

A schema can contain more than one record type. For example, one schema might have separate record types for software enhancements and hardware enhancements. Or it might have different record types for issues, problem reports, change requests, defects, and enhancement requests.

A schema developer can create a custom record set for your site. You can use one record type, such as a defect, for all change requests, or you can use different record types for different purposes.

Your schema developer can include field-level help on the record form to explain the type of information the field or control requires. To determine whether field-level help is defined, place your mouse over the field or control label. If a ? appears, click the label.