Specifying cc addresses for email rules

You can specify the users and user groups to receive copies of email notifications.

About this task

To receive copies of email messages, all individual users and users who are members of groups must have their email addresses defined as part of their user profile information. See Adding a user.


  1. Log on to the Rational ClearQuest client as a user with the schema designer or super user privilege.
  2. In the Rational ClearQuest client, click Actions > New and select the Email_Rule record type.
  3. On the CC Addressing Info tab of the Submit Email_Rule window:
    1. In the CC Users field, select a specific user to receive a copy of the email notification, for example, admin.
    2. In the CC Groups field, select a user group to receive a copy of the email message, for example, the Triage group.
    3. In the CC Addresses (Fields) field, specify an email address based on a field value.

      Unless a specific email address is entered in the CC Addresses field, all users must have an email address defined as part of their user profile to receive email.

    4. In the CC Addresses (Text) field, enter a specific email address.
    5. Optional: To send a copy of the email message to yourself, select CC Actioner.
  4. Click OK to apply the email rule.