Adding a user

You can add users to the Rational® ClearQuest® environment.

Before you begin

Do not use the following characters for a user login name or password. These characters can cause problems when logging on:

! "" # $ % & ' () * + , / : ; < = > ? [ \ ] ^ ` { | }


  1. Start the Designer. Then click File > User Administration.
  2. In the User Administration window, click User Action > Add User.
  3. In the Add User window, fill in the user information:
    • Login
    • Password
    • Name
    • E-Mail
    • Phone
    • Description (optional)

    In a Rational ClearQuest MultiSite environment, you can enter an ambiguous user name. An ambiguous user name is used when one person needs to be a user in two or more databases. To use an ambiguous user name, use the keysite name as part of the user login name. An ambiguous user name used without the site extension during login generates a login error.

  4. Optional: If you are using Rational ClearQuest MultiSite, specify the mastership. For more information, see Administering users in a MultiSite environment.
  5. Select the groups to which the new user belongs. For more information, see Working with user groups.
  6. Select the privileges for the new user. For more information, see Assigning user access privileges when creating a new user.
  7. Select the databases that the new user can access.
    • To give access to all user databases in the system, select All existing and future databases.
    • To give access only to specific databases, select Select databases and then select the databases.
  8. Click Add User and then click OK.
  9. Add this information to the selected user databases. In the User Administration window, click DB Action > Upgrade and click OK in the Upgrade window.