Rational ClearQuest Schema Repository Explorer view

Use the Rational® ClearQuest® Schema Repository Explorer view to explore the contents of your schema repositories.

The Rational ClearQuest Schema Repository Explorer view displays a list of your schema repositories so that can explore their contents and perform your schema development tasks. You can click on items in the Rational ClearQuest Schema Repository Explorer view to open them for editing, or to view their properties. Right-clicking on an item brings up a context menu that lets you perform additional operations on the item.

If the Rational ClearQuest Schema Repository view is not already open in the Designer, click View > ClearQuest Schema Repository Explorer > ClearQuest Schema Repository Explorer to open it.

To use the Rational ClearQuest Schema Repository Explorer, click on a schema repository in the list and enter your login information to connect. After you are connected, expand the schema repository node to view the schemas and schema versions. You can expand each schema version further to view the schema elements, such as record types, record fields, forms, and global scripts.

Right-click on any item in the Rational ClearQuest Schema Repository Explorer view to see the list of actions that you can perform on the item. Double-click on the item to open its associated editor.