Overview of the Rational ClearQuest Designer interface

The Rational® ClearQuest® Designer includes several different windows, or views, that you will use to perform your schema development tasks.
Rational ClearQuest Schema Repository Explorer
Use this view to connect to schema repositories, browse schema versions, and to check out and check in schemas.
Rational ClearQuest Database Admin
Use this view to perform all database administration tasks, including creating user databases, upgrading databases, deleting and restoring databases, and moving user databases.
Record Fields
This view shows you all of the fields available in the record you are currently working with and lets you drag and drop them onto a form.
The Outline view shows you the structural outline of a form.
The Properties view shows you the properties of an object in your schema, or of the schema itself.
The Problems view shows all error markers for schema elements that have validation errors.
This view displays all error messages in the Designer, including schema validation errors.

To open any of these views, click Window in the Designer toolbar and then click the view that you want to open.