Checking out schemas

To customize a schema, you must first check it out from the schema repository. When you check out a schema, a copy of the schema is created for you to edit. The new version of the schema is created when you check in this modified copy.

Before you begin

You cannot check out a schema if the Rational® ClearQuest® data code page value of the schema repository does not match the operating system code page of the machine that runs the Designer. If the Rational ClearQuest data code page value for the schema repository is not set, you can enter only ASCII data into the schema. For more information about the data code page value, see About the Rational ClearQuest data code page.

About this task

To check out a schema:


  1. Start the Designer.
  2. Open the Open Schema window. This window opens when you log on if you previously selected the Show this wizard at startup check box. You can open this window by clicking File > Open Schema.
  3. In the Open Schema window, verify that Check out a schema to edit is selected.
  4. Select a schema and click Next.
  5. Enter comments in the Comment field (optional) and click Finish.


The Workspace opens and the schema and its structure are displayed.