Configuring the BIRT web archive on the WebSphere Application Server

This topic describes how to configure the BIRT web archive on the WebSphere® Application Server.

About this task

After installing the Business Intelligence and Reporting Tools (BIRT) server runtime on the WebSphere application server, change the configuration settings in the BIRT web archive to the values required for your environment.
Note: Additional information about BIRT deployment is available at the BIRT FAQ.
Locating port information
The path locations specified in these instructions use the default ports for WebSphere Application Server profile configuration. If your environment does not use the defaults, you must update the port numbers to use the correct values. You can find the configured ports for a profile in this directory: /profiles/logs/AboutThisProfile.txt.
Using the wsadmin tool
If your are using BIRT version 2.3.2 or higher, you must use the WebSphere Application Server wsadmin tool to update the BIRT web.xml file after changing your configuration settings. For information about this tool, see the WebSphere Application Server Information Center.


  1. Open the BIRT web archive.
    1. Start the WebSphere Integrated Solutions console by entering the following URL in a web browser:
      Where port is the port for the WebSphere Application Server profile. If WebSphere was installed in a new profile directory, the default port is 12060. If it was installed in the default WebSphere profile, the admin port is 9060.
  2. Update the configuration settings:
    1. Select Applications -> Application Types -> WebSphere enterprise applications.
    2. Click birt_war. The Configuration tab for customizing BIRT settings opens.
    3. From the Detail Properties page, select Class loading and update detection.
    4. In Polling interval for updated files, supply an integer value, 60 for example.
    5. In Class loader order, select Classes loaded with application class loader first (parent last).
    6. In WAR class loader policy, page, select Single class loader for application.
  3. Click o save the configuration settings. Then, click Save to apply the changes to the master configuration.
  4. If you are using BIRT version 2.3.2 or later, update BIRT web.xml.
    1. Copy the BIRT web.xml file to a temporary directory. You can find web.xml in this directory:<cq_profile_dir>/installedApps/dfltCell/birt_war.ear/birt.war/WEB-INF/web.xml
      Note: The default WebSphere Application Server cell directory is dfltCell on Windows, Unix, and Linux platforms. On the Solaris platform, the default is <srv>Node01Cell.
    2. Go to the temporary directory. Then, edit the web.xml file.
    3. Change the parameter value for WORKING_FOLDER_ACCESS_ONLY from true to false.
    4. Change the parameter value for WORKING_FOLDER_ACCESS_ONLY from true to false.
    5. Save the file.
    6. Apply the updated file to the WebSphere master configuration.
      1. From the command prompt, go to the temporary directory created in step 4. Then, run the following command to start the wsadmin tool for the target profile.
        UNIX or Linux

        Where <cq-profile-dir> is the path to the profile where the BIRT server runtme environment is installed.

        Note: If WebSphere administrative security is enabled for the profile, enter the user name and password for the administrative user when prompted. In some cases, you might have to supply additional parameters to start the wsadmin tool. For example, if the WebSphere profile does not use 8880 as the default SOAP connector, you must supply its port number. In the <cqweb-profile-root> directory, locate the cqwebprofile_ports.txt file or the port definition file in your existing WAS profile. Open the file, and then locate SOAP_CONNECTOR_ADDRESS=<port#>. In a common installation scenario, the port number will be 12880. Supply the port number using this syntax:
        wsadmin -connType SOAP -port #### -user admin -password YourPassword
      2. From the wsadmin prompt, enter these commands:
        wsadmin> $AdminApp update birt_war file {-operation update -contents web.xml -contenturi birt.war/WEB-INF/web.xml}
        wsadmin> $AdminConfig save
        wsadmin> exit