Importing the replica packet
When you import a replica-creation packet, you import raw data
into existing vendor databases. Replica-creation packets do not contain databases;
they contain the metadata and record data that form a database.
About this task
These steps take place in San Francisco, which has no replicas
in the clan.
- If you used store-and-forward, verify the packet’s arrival by entering
the lspacket command on the synchronization server.
multiutil lspacket –short Multiutil:Packet ’d:\temp\ms_ship\incoming\mk_sanfran_hub_21-May-01_19-28-01.xml’...
- Create empty vendor databases for the new schema repository and user databases.
- Enter the import form of the replica-creation command.
In the mkreplica –import command, you must specify the path name of the incoming packet as listed by the lspacket command. For example:
multiutil mkreplica –import –site sanfran_hub –repository ORC1 –vendor ORACLE –dbologin orcadmin password –connectopts host=sanfran_dbserver;SID=ORC1;server_ver:8.1;client_ver=8.0;log_type=long –database ORC1 –vendor ORACLE ORC1 –dbologin orcuser password –connectopts host=sanfran_dbserver;SID=ORC1;server_ver:8.1;client_ver=8.0;log_type=long –comments “Importing the initial replicas of the PRODA database and its schema repository for the San Francisco site in the telecommunication clan�? d:\temp\ms_ship\incoming\mk_sanfran_hub_21-May-01_19-28-01.xml
- Confirm that import was successful, and then delete the replica-creation packet. (Update packets are deleted automatically.)
- Begin development.
Users in San Francisco can access the new replica in the same way they access an unreplicated database.