
Lists information about the existing ID blocks for a replica family.


Product Command type
MultiSite multiutil subcommand



[ –cl/an clan-name ] [ –site site-name ] –fam/ily family-name
–u/ser username [ –p/assword password ]
[-replica replica-selector] [-ser/ies {req.uest|aux}]
[-long] [-update] {[-cur/rent] | [-all/_blocks]}  
[-sort property[:{asc,desc}] [,property[:{asc,desc}]...]


The idblockinfo command lists information about the existing ID blocks for a replica family. When the command is run at the master site, it provides the latest information about the overall state of the database record ID allocators. When the command is run at a replica site, the information is accurate for the last syncreplica -import operation from the master site. The values of the Available field for ID blocks assigned to each replica are current for the last syncreplica -import operation from those replicas.

Options and arguments

Specifying the clan, site, and family

Clan: First clan replicated at this site. If there is more than one dbset connection registered on this host, –clan is required.

Site: Current site. If there is more than one site on this host, –site is required.

Family: No default; you must specify a family.

–cl/an clan-name
Name of the replica’s clan.
–site site-name
Name of the replica’s site.
–fam/ily family-name
User database family: Database name given to the user database when it was created.

Specifying a user name and password

You must specify a user name and password.
–u/ser user
Name of a user with Super User privileges.
–p/assword password
Password associated with the specified user.

Specifying the selection options

-ser/ies series
The argument to this option can be either request or aux to limit the output to one of those ID series. Without this option, blocks for both series are shown.
-replica replica
Include only the ID blocks for the named replica. Without this option, blocks for all replicas are shown.
Show all blocks. Normally, blocks that have no available IDs are omitted from the output.
Show only the current block for the replica identified by the logon options. This option is valid only for the logon replica, and an error results if you use –replica to identify another replica. This restriction is necessary since the current block for a replica can only be determined by logging into that replica.
Update the current ID block for the replica identified by the logon options. This makes the information reported for that replica as current as possible. Information for other replicas is current as of the last sync.

Specifying the sort options

-sort replica, base, available, limit, allocation_time, available_time
Multiple properties can be specified, with a comma to separate the list. The list must be entered as a single command line argument. Intervening spaces are allowed, but in that case the entire list must be quoted. The sort order can be specified by appending a colon and the word "asc" or "desc" to any of the properties. For example, "-sort base:desc". The default ordering is by base.

Display options

Includes the block allocation time and the time the available count was last updated. Without this option, these two columns are omitted from the output.


In these examples, the lines are broken for readability. Enter each command on a single line.

  • Display the status of ID blocks for a given clan, site, and family. Return only the request ID series results. This example returns the ID block base, limit, size, available IDs, percentage used, family, and replica.

    multiutil idblockinfo -clan XYZ_CLAN -site XYZ_HQ
    -fam XYZ_DB -u admin "admin_pwd" -ser req

       Base   Limit   Size Available Pct  Family  Replica
      30979   35075   4096    1036   25%  XYZ_DB  Boston
      39171   43267   4096    3860   94%  XYZ_DB  Paris
      47363   51459   4096       1    0%  XYZ_DB  London
      55555   59651   4096     185    4%  XYZ_DB  Munich
      59651  134651  75000   75000  100%  XYZ_DB  Munich
    134651  209651  75000   68978   91%  XYZ_DB  London
    209651  284651  75000   35369   47%  XYZ_DB  Paris
    284651  359651  75000   74710   99%  XYZ_DB  Tokyo
    359651  434651  75000   55398   73%  XYZ_DB  Boston
    434651  509651  75000   46935   62%  XYZ_DB  Bejing
    509651  584651  75000   54600   72%  XYZ_DB  Brasilia
    584651  588747   4096    1248   30%  XYZ_DB  BejingA
    588747  592843   4096    1003   24%  XYZ_DB  TelAviv
    592843  682843  90000   12499   13%  XYZ_DB  TelAviv
    682843  772843  90000   39047   43%  XYZ_DB  BejingA
    772843  852843  80000   80000  100%  XYZ_DB  Paris

  • Rerun the same command, but include additional options to sort by base values in descending order and to return only ID blocks for the Boston replica. The output is not shown due to space limitations.

    multiutil idblockinfo -clan XYZ_CLAN -site XYZ_HQ -fam XYZ_DB
    -u admin "admin_pwd" -ser req base:desc -replica Boston -long