
Changes the properties of replicas in a site


Product Command type
MultiSite multiutil subcommand



[ –cl/an clan-name ] [ –site site-name ] –u/ser username
[ –p/assword] password [ –host hostname | –size id-block-size |
–thres/hold id-block-threshold ] replica-selector


Use this command to change the synchronization server host information or ID block allocation for all replicas in a site.



Options and arguments

Specifying the clan and site

Clan: First clan replicated at this site. If there is more than one dbset connection registered on this host, –clan is required.

Site: Current site. If there is more than one site on this host, –site is required.

–cl/an clan-name
Name of the replica’s clan.
–site site-name
Name of the replica’s site.

Specifying a user name and password

You must specify a user name and password.
–u/ser user
Name of a user with Super User privileges.
–p/assword password
Password associated with the specified user.

Specifying the new values

You must specify the site to be changed. The default ID block size is 4096 and the default threshold is 25 percent.
–host hostname
Name of the new synchronization server (on which the Rational® ClearQuest® Shipping Server is installed).
–size id-block-size
Size of ID block. You can enter any number from 1 to 1023. The value of id-block-size is multiplied by 100 to obtain the actual ID block size. For example, to specify an ID block of 30,000, use the number 300; to specify an ID block of 25,000, use the number 250.
–thres/hold id-block-threshold
Number of record ID numbers allocated to the replica. id-block-threshold is specified as an integer representing a percentage. You can enter any number from 1 to 63. When the number of remaining record IDs to be used drops below the specified percentage of the current ID block size, an additional block is allocated.
Site to be changed.


In these examples, the lines are broken for readability. You must enter each command on a single physical line.

  • Associate the sanfran_hub replica with the synchronization server goldengate.

    multiutil chreplica -clan telecomm -site sanfran_hub
    -user jcole -p passwd -host goldengate sanfran_hub

  • Associate the sanfran_hub replica with the synchronization server goldengate and specify an ID block size of 10,000.

    multiutil chreplica -clan telecomm -site sanfran_hub -user
    jcole -p passwd -host goldengate -size 100 sanfran_hub

  • Associate the sydney replica with the synchronization server taronga and specify an allocation threshold of 55 percent.

    multiutil chreplica -clan testclan -site sydney -user
    bfife -p passwd -host taronga -threshold 55 sydney