Remapping URIs after renaming a CLM server

You must remap Jazz™ Team Server public URI artifact links for the DevOps solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management (CLM) resources after a server rename operation. Specifically, these are links that are stored in Rational® RequisitePro® Web server configuration files and in OSLCLinks records in the ClearQuest® user database.

About this task

Starting in the version 4.0 products for the DevOps solution for Collaborative Lifecycle Management (CLM), administrators can change the public URI of a Jazz Team Server or a DevOps solution for CLM application after deployment by using the server rename operation. Such changes require corresponding updates to the DevOps solution for CLM resources that are based on the URI. For the Rational ClearQuest Bridge, these artifact links for the DevOps solution for CLM product resources (Rational Team Concert, IBM® DevOps Quality Manager, and IBM Rational DOORS® Next Generation) are stored in Rational ClearQuest Web server configuration files and in OSLCLinks records in the ClearQuest database.


  1. Send a notification to the Rational ClearQuest user community that all links to the DevOps solution for CLM artifacts are broken and that a URI remapping procedure will begin soon to fix the broken links. Warn users that they cannot currently create new OSLC links to the DevOps solution for CLM artifacts. Users can continue to perform Rational ClearQuest Web activities that do not involve the ClearQuest Bridge.
  2. Log on to Rational ClearQuest Web server as a user with both local administrator and ClearQuest Super User privileges.
  3. Reconfigure cross-server communication only on the Rational ClearQuest Web server. For each DevOps solution for CLM cross-server friend for which you have reestablished cross-server communication, run the URI remapping tool,, with the -remapconfigfiles option. This updates the Rational ClearQuest Web server configuration files.
    Important: When you use this option, you must run the tool in the directory where the tool is installed.

    For example, if Rational ClearQuest is integrated with Rational Team Concert and IBM DevOps Quality Manager, and both the Jazz Team Server for Rational Team Concert and the DevOps Quality Manager server are renamed, then you must run the tool with the -remapconfigfiles option twice: once for remapping the URIs for the Rational Team Concert artifact links, and once for remapping the URIs for the Rational Quality Manager artifact links.

  4. Notify users to log off Rational ClearQuest Web server. Then restart the server.
  5. Notify users that they can log on to Rational ClearQuest Web server and create new links to the DevOps solution for CLM artifacts. Mention, however, that following existing links to the DevOps solution for CLM artifacts will not work yet, and you will send another notification after these links are fixed.
  6. For each Rational ClearQuest solution for CLM cross-server friend for which you have reestablished cross-server communication, run the tool again with the -update option. This updates the URI artifact links that are stored in Rational ClearQuest OSLCLink records.

    For example, if Rational ClearQuest is integrated with Rational Team Concert and IBM Rational Quality Manager, and both the Jazz Team Server for Rational Team Concert and the DevOps Quality Manager server are renamed, then you must run the tool with the -update option twice: once for remapping the URIs for the Rational Team Concert artifact links, and once for remapping the URIs for the DevOps Quality Manager artifact links.

  7. If your deployment includes Rational ClearQuest MultiSite, you must repeat Step 6 at each replica where the affected Rational ClearQuest OSLCLinks records are mastered. The tool reports the OSLCLinks records that are mastered remotely.
  8. Notify users that the URI remapping is complete. Be sure to specify the limitations of remapping as described in the Limitations section of the help.