Registering an OAuth consumer key

You can register an OAuth consumer's secret to create a new consumer key. Use this function when the OAuth consumer does not have an interface to request access to Rational® ClearQuest® Web, for example, non-Jazz-based clients (consumers) that want to access OSLC links by using the OAuth protocol.


  1. Click Site Administration > OAuth Consumer Management on the Rational ClearQuest Web toolbar. The OAuth Consumer Management window opens.
  2. In the Consumer Name field, enter the name of the consumer that uses the consumer key. For example,
  3. In the Consumer Key field, enter the OAuth key value to be associated with the consumer.
  4. In the Consumer Secret and Re-type Consumer Secret fields, enter the consumer secret provided by the Jazz™ server administrator.
    Attention: In this step, you do not enter the key itself; you enter a shorter phrase to associate with the key.
  5. Optional: Select the Trusted check box. Trusted consumers can share authorization with other trusted consumers and do not require user approval to access data.
    Attention: For external products or web sites, it is a best practice to clear the Trusted check box.
  6. Click Register. The new key appears in the Authorized Keys section of the page.

What to do next

Now users can create, view, and traverse OSLC links between Collaborative Lifecycle Management applications. See Using Rational ClearQuest integrations for Collaborative Lifecycle Management.