Placing the product package on an HTTP web server
There are several steps to follow to place the product
package on an HTTP web server.
To prepare the product for installation from a repository on an HTTP or HTTPS web server or shared drive/directory:
- Ensure that the HTTP or HTTPS web server or shared drive/directory has sufficient disk space to store the product package.
- Ensure that your workstation has sufficient disk space to store both the files that you must download from IBM Passport Advantage® and the extracted installation image.
- From IBM Passport Advantage, download all the required parts for the product image to a temporary directory on your workstation.
- Extract the installation image from the downloaded files into another temporary directory on your workstation and verify that the installation image is complete. For details, see Verifying and extracting electronic images.
- Install on your workstation the IBM Packaging Utility. See Installing Packaging Utility.
- Using the Packaging Utility, copy the product package. See Copying product packages using Packaging Utility.
- Copy the output of the Packaging Utility to an HTTP or HTTPS web Server or shared drive/directory.
- Copy the installation files for IBM Installation Manager to a shared drive/directory. See Installation Manager.
- Optional: Create a response file with repository, license information, product settings, and other values that are specific to your deployment. If you create a response file, users can run silent installations. You can create this response file manually or you can use Installation Manager to record it for you. See Creating a response file with Installation Manager while installing.
- Instruct users in your organization to install Installation Manager from the shared drive/directory. See IBM Installation Manager tasks for more information about installing the Installation Manager.
- If you did not include a response file with the Installation Manager, provide users with the URL to the repository that contains the product package you created earlier and provide them with information that they must complete the installation with the Installation Manager, such as license information, product settings and other values that are specific to your deployment.