Installation scenarios

You can follow several scenarios when you install or update the product.
The following factors might determine your installation scenario:
  • The format and method by which you access your installation files (for example, from files downloaded from IBM Passport Advantage®)
  • The location for your installation (for example, you can install the product onto your own workstation, or make the installation files available to your enterprise)
  • The type of installation (for example, you can use the Installation Manager GUI, or install silently)
These are the typical installation scenarios you might follow:
  • Installing from a downloaded electronic image on your workstation
  • Installing from an electronic image on a shared drive
  • Installing from a repository on an HTTP or HTTPS Web server
Note: Silent install is supported for the electronic image scenarios. For details, see Installing silently.

Installing from a downloaded electronic image on your workstation

In this scenario, you download the installation files from IBM Passport Advantage and you install the product on your own workstation.

See Installing from an electronic image on your workstation: task overview for an overview of the steps.

Installing from an electronic image on a shared drive

In this scenario, you place the electronic image on a shared drive so that users in your enterprise can access the installation files for the product from a single location.

See Installing from an electronic image on a shared drive: task overview.

Installing from a repository on an HTTP or HTTPS Web server

This scenario is the fastest method for installing the product on a network and is different from the shared-drive installation.

To place product package files for the product on an HTTP or HTTPS Web server, you must use IBM Packaging Utility to copy the installation files in a package format to the server. The directory on the server that contains the product package is called a repository. IBM Packaging Utility is provided with the product.

See Installing from a repository on an HTTP or HTTPS web server and Placing the product package on an HTTP web server.