installutil unlockuserdb

Unlocks a user database.


Platform: Windows

Command type: installutil subcommand


installutil unlockuserdb
[–dbset dbset_name] db_vendor server database dbo_login dbo_password "connect_options"


The installutil unlockuserdb subcommand unlocks a user database.

Production databases are locked before they are copied when you create database copies by using the installutil convertschemarepo subcommand. Use the installutil unlockuserdb subcommand to unlock user databases.

Options and arguments

Name of the database set or database connection.
Database vendor name. Valid values:
  • DB2®
Attention: Vendor names must be capitalized as shown.
Host name of the database server. Following is vendor-specific information:
  • MS_Access – Not used
  • DB2 – System host name
  • Oracle – System host name
  • SQL Anywhere – Service name
  • SQL Server – System host name
User database name. Following is vendor-specific information:
  • MS_Access – Fully qualified path name. For example, \\full\path\file.mdb
  • DB2 – User database name.
  • Oracle – Oracle system ID (SID).
  • SQL Anywhere – Fully qualified path name. For example, \\full\path\file.db
  • SQL Server – User database name.
Login ID of the database owner.
Password associated with dbo_login.
Optional parameters, which vary by database vendor. See Vendor database properties.


  • Unlock an Oracle user database named DBServ that uses the CLOB data type. In this example, the Oracle SID is ORC and the database owner user ID and password are dbowner and dboPaSSWorD, respectively. The -dbset option is not specified because an existing schema repository in the database set has the default name.
     installutil unlockuserdb ORACLE DBServ ORC dbowner dboPaSSWorD "LOB_TYPE=CLOB"
  • Unlock the original SQL Server user database named MYDB after the installutil convertuserdb subcommand completes. The new copy of the user database is named MyNewUserDB. It is also owned by SQL Server user ID dbowner whose password is dboPaSSWorD. The target host name is MySQLServer. The default Super User ID and password are admin and admPaSSWorD, respectively. The -dbset option is not specified because an existing schema repository in the database set has the default name.
    installutil unlockuserdb admin admPaSSWorD MYDB SQL_SERVER MySQLServer MyNewUserDB dbowner dboPaSSWorD "PORT=3000"