Vendor database properties
When you create a schema repository or user database, you must set the properties for the vendor database.
Microsoft Access parameters
ClearQuest does not support Microsoft Access databases for production use.
To specify the following database parameter for Microsoft Access, enter the full path and name for the schema repository or user database in the Physical Database Name field using a UNC style path. For example:
You can navigate to the directory that contains the database. To preserve the UNC style path name, use the Network Neighborhood.
SQL Server parameters
- In the Physical Database Name field, enter the database name for SQL Server schema repository or user database.
- Enter the name of the database server in the Database Server Name field. All Rational® ClearQuest® clients must be able to access this server host name exactly as it appears in this entry.
- Enter the database owner (DBO or Administrator) user name in the Administrator Name field.
- Enter the password for the database owner (DBO or Administrator) in the Administrator Password field.
- Optional: Enter the connect options in the Connect
Options field. The supported connect options are INSTANCE and PORT.
If the SQL Server instance name is different from the default, you can specify the instance in the form INSTANCE=name.
If the port number of the database is different from the default (1433), enter the port number in the form PORT=number.
If you use both INSTANCE and PORT, separate the options with semicolons. For example: INSTANCE=MYSQLSERVER;PORT=1400
Oracle parameters
- Enter the machine name of the database server in the Server field for the schema repository or user database.
- Enter the Oracle DBMS System Identifier (SID) in the SID field.
- Enter the Oracle user name in the User Name field.
- Enter the password for the user name in the Password field.
- Leave the Connect Options field blank unless one of the following
conditions is true:
- Your environment includes clients from earlier versions of Rational ClearQuest and from version 7.0, and all clients are connected to the same databases. For more information, see the Installing and upgrading section of the online help.
- Your database server uses a TCP/IP port other than the default (1521). If you use a nondefault port, enter PORT=number in the Connect Options field.
DB2 parameters
- Enter the machine name of the database server in the Server field for the schema repository or user database.
- Enter the database name in the Database field.
- Enter the DB2 user name in the User Name field. Note, when you create a DB2 schema repository or user database, the User Name property must be a user identity with Database Administrator authority for the DB2 database.
- Enter the password for the user name in the Password field.
- Leave the Connect Options field blank unless one of the following
conditions is true:
- Your environment includes clients from earlier versions of Rational ClearQuest and from version 7.0, and all clients are connected to the same databases. For more information, see the Installing and upgrading section of the online help.
- Your database server uses a TCP/IP port other than the default (50000). If you use a nondefault port, enter it in the Connect Options field in the form PORT=number.
When you create a schema repository or user database with DB2, you must run the command binddb2pkg before Rational ClearQuest clients connect to a DB2 database. For more information about this command, see the command reference section of the online help.