installutil setdbcodepage

Sets the value of the Rational® ClearQuest® data code page to a supported Windows code page.


Platform: Windows

Command type: installutil subcommand


installutil setdbcodepage
[–dbset dbsetName] [-force] [-allowconversion] [-verbose] codePage adminUser adminPassword


The installutil setdbcodepage subcommand sets the value of the Rational ClearQuest data code page to a supported Windows code page.
Important: This command does not guarantee that text that is stored in the database set is compatible with the data code page setting.

Options and arguments

The name of the database set or connection that contains the database to set.
Set the data code page to a local character set value even if the database validation failed.
Important: Using the -force option is highly discouraged.

Sets the data code page to the specified value, even if there are characters in your database that are not stored correctly when they are moved from the Rational ClearQuest client to the vendor database.

Important: Using the -allowconversion option might cause data corruption. Use this option only after you run the installutil setdbcodepage subcommand with the -verbose option to determine whether your database contains characters that are not stored correctly when they are moved to the vendor database.
Lists the characters in a Rational ClearQuest database that are not stored correctly when they move from the Rational ClearQuest client to a vendor database. The replacement characters are also displayed.
The Windows code page number to which to set the Rational ClearQuest data code.
The login name of an administrative user. This user must have the Super User privilege.
The password for the adminUser user. If there is no password, enter an empty set of double quotation marks ("").


  • Set the Rational ClearQuest data code page for the mydbset database set to the local character set value 1252 (ANSI - Latin I).

    installutil setdbcodepage -dbset mydbset 1252 admin secret

    Validating that database MASTR supports code page 1252  (ANSI - Latin  I)...

    Successfully validated all databases.
    Successfully set the  code page to: 1252  (ANSI - Latin I)