codepageutil test_codepage

Determines whether the database can handle all of the characters in a specified character set.

codepageutil test_codepage

Platform: Windows

Command type: codepageutil subcommand


codepageutil test_codepage
dbset_name db_name | login password codepage


The codepageutil test_codepage subcommand determines if the database can handle all of the characters in a specified character set.

Options and arguments

The name of the database set or connection containing the database to be checked.
The logical name of either the schema repository or master database, or user database to be checked.
Note: The db_name for the master database is MASTR.
The login name of the user. This user must have Super User privileges.
The Rational® ClearQuest® password for the user. If there is no password, enter an empty set of double quotes.
The code page setting for which you are testing the database.


  • Check the SAMPL database, in the Connection3 database set, to test if it can handle all the characters in data code page 1252 (Latin-1). The utility performs this test by writing all characters in the data code page to the database and reading them back. If the database supports that data code page, all characters come back in the same form in which they were sent.

    codepageutil test_codepage Connection3 SAMPL admin "" 1252

    If the test is successful, the code page utility displays the following message:

    The SAMPL database can successfully represent all characters in codepage
    1252 <ANSI - Latin I>.

    If the database cannot handle all the characters for the data code page, the code page utility displays the following message:
    The SAMPL database cannot represent all characters in codepage 1252 
     <ANSI - Latin I>.

See also