The cqreg command is located in the bin directory of the Rational ClearQuest installation directory.
- Report connection information for the registered database sets
and databases:
- cqreg show [ -dbset dbset_name | -all ] [ -terse | -errors | -verbose ] [ -help ] [ -effort_only ] [ -force ] [ -home cq_home ] [ -version cq_version ] [ -cq_databases cq_databases ]
- Associate a Rational
ClearQuest installation
directory with a database registry directory:
- cqreg initialize [ -associate ] [ registry_directory ] [ -help ] [ -effort_only ] [ -force ] [ -verbose | -errors ] [ -home cq_home ] [ -cq_databases cq_databases ]
- Register a database set and databases in the Rational
ClearQuest registry:
- cqreg add_dbset -v/endor db_vendor [ -s/erver db_server ] [ -d/atabase db_name ] [ [ -u/ser user -p/assword password ] ] [ -dbset dbset_name ] [ -co connect_options ] [ -help ] [ -effort_only ] [ -force ] [ -verbose | -errors ] [ -home cq_home ] [ -cq_databases cq_databases ]
- Unregister a database set and databases from the Rational
ClearQuest registry:
- cqreg drop_dbset [ -dbset dbset_name ] [ -help ] [ -effort_only ] [ -force ] [ -verbose | -errors ] [ -home cq_home ] [ -cq_databases cq_databases ]
- Refresh the database registry with the information in the schema
- cqreg refresh [ -dbset dbset_name | -all ] [ -help ] [ -effort_only ] [ -force ] [ -verbose | -errors ] [ -home cq_home ] [ -cq_databases cq_databases ]
You can create, delete, and move Rational ClearQuest databases only on a Windows system by using either the Maintenance Tool or the Designer. You use the cqreg command to manage connection information associated with Rational ClearQuest database sets and databases so that you can access the databases on the UNIX system and Linux. The cqreg command lets you perform the following tasks:
- Report information about the registered databases
- Associate a Rational ClearQuest installation directory with a database registry directory
- Connect to a schema repository and refresh the database registry after a database is created or deleted by using either the Maintenance Tool or Designer
You can also add and remove database connections from the Rational ClearQuest Client running on a UNIX or Linux system.
Options and arguments
- -dbset dbset_name
- Name of the database connection. By default, this is the Rational ClearQuest version.
- -all
- Performs the command on all database sets and databases within the database sets.
- -verbose
- -errors
- -terse
- Controls the amount of output that the command displays. If omitted, defaults to -errors.
- -effort_only
- Displays what the subcommand does without performing the associated action.
- -force
- Forces the subcommand to replace existing registry data or files that would otherwise not be overwritten.
- -home cq_home
- Identifies the Rational ClearQuest installation directory. This value overrides the value of the environment variable $CQ_HOME, if set.
- -version version
- Use with the cqreg show subcommand to identify the Rational ClearQuest product version that the subcommand applies to. If this option is omitted, then the version associated with the current release is used.
- -cq_databases cq_databases
- Specifies the directory location under which the database connections are stored. This value overrides the value of the environment variable $CQ_DATABASES, if set.
- -associate
- Use with the cqreg initialize subcommand to associate the Rational ClearQuest installation directory with a database registry directory. If this option is omitted, the cqreg initialize subcommand initializes the registry directory only, without making the association.
- registry_directory
- Use with the cqreg initialize subcommand to specify the
registry directory. If this option is omitted, one of the following
values is used, listed in descending order:
- The value of -cq_databases cq_databases, if specified
- The value of the environment variable $CQ_DATABASES, if set
- The default value
- -v/endor db_vendor
- Database vendor. The following values are valid:
- Oracle
- SQL_Server
- DB2®
- -s/erver server
- Database server.
- -d/atabase db_name
- For DB2 and SQL Server, the name of the database used for the schema repository. For Oracle, the database management system System Identifier (SID).
- -u/ser user_name
- User name for accessing the database.
- -p/assword password
- Password for accessing the database.
- -co connect_options
- Connection options. Contact your system administrator for the connection options specific to your environment. Also see the Administering Rational ClearQuest help topic on vendor database properties.
- -help
- Displays usage information.
- cqreg show
- Reports connection information for the registered database sets and databases.
- cqreg initialize
- Associates a Rational
ClearQuest installation
directory with a database registry directory. If the .Databases file already
exists when you run the cqreg initialize subcommand, it is not replaced unless you use the
-force option.Attention: The cqreg initialize subcommand is run as part of the Rational ClearQuest installation. Run this subcommand only if you want to associate a Rational ClearQuest installation directory with a different database registry directory.
- cqreg add_dbset
- Register a database set and databases in the Rational ClearQuest registry, or update existing connection information. Run this subcommand after you create the schema repository and user databases by using the Designer.
- cqreg register
- This subcommand is obsolete. Use the cqreg add_dbset command instead.
- cqreg drop_dbset
- Unregister a database set and databases from the Rational
ClearQuest registry. Run this subcommand after a
database set is moved to a different host to unregister the database set. Then run the cqreg
add_dbset command to register the database set on the new host.
If you do not specify a connection name with the -dbset dbset_name option and argument, respectively, when you run the cqreg drop_dbset subcommand, then the default connection is used.
- cqreg unregister
- This subcommand is obsolete. Use the cqreg drop_dbset command instead.
- cqreg refresh
- Refreshes the database registry from the information in the schema repository. Use this subcommand after using the Maintenance Tool or Designer to create, modify, or delete a database, or after moving schema repositories and databases. If the cqreg refresh subcommand does not re-establish the connection, use the cqreg drop_dbset and cqreg add_dbset subcommands to drop and re-create the database connection information.
- Show connection information about all registered database sets
and databases:
cqreg show -all
- Refresh the database registry for the database set UCM_dbset with
the information in the schema repository:
cqreg refresh -dbset UCM_dbset
- Following are examples of adding connections for the Oracle, SQL
Server, and DB2 databases, respectively:
- For Oracle:
cqreg add_dbset -v Oracle -s cqtest1 -d CQ1 -u admin -p admin_pwd -dbset CQ_DEV1 -co "PORT=50100"
- For SQL Server:
cqreg add_dbset -v SQL_Server -s cqtest2 -d msitea -u admin -p pwd -dbset CQ_DEV1
- For DB2:
cqreg add_dbset -v DB2 -s db2tcpnode -d msiteb -u admin -p pwd -dbset CQ_DEV3
- Unregister the database set UCM_dbset:
cqreg drop_dbset -dbset UCM_dbset