bkt_tool export

Exports all the workspace objects in the Public folders of a Rational® ClearQuest® database into one or more files. This allows the workspace objects to be reused.


Platform: Windows

Command type: bkt_tool subcommand


bkt_tool -e
-dbset dbsetName -db dbName -user username -password password {-directory | -storagefile } "pathName"


The Rational ClearQuest bucket tool export subcommand, bkt_tool -e, exports all the workspace objects in a Public Queries folder, including queries, reports, and charts, into one or more files. This allows the workspace objects to be reused. You can import the workspace objects into another Rational ClearQuest database by using the bucket tool import subcommand, bkt_tool -i.

Options and arguments

-dbset dbset
Specifies the schema connection name. Required if there are multiple schema repositories in the system.
-db dbname
Specifies the user database from which you are importing the workspace objects.
-user username
Specifies the login name of the user whose objects you want to export. This user must have Super User privileges.
-password password
Specifies the password for the username user. If there is no password, enter an empty set of double quotes ("").
-directory pathname
Specifies the path name of the directory that contains the files to import. Enclose the path name in double quotes. The pathname contains a text file named CONTENTS.CFG and a series of files named 0001.DAT through nnnn.DAT. The .DAT files contain the binary data for each workspace object.
-storagefile pathname
Specifies the path name of an IStorage compound document.


  • Export the workspace contents of the Public Queries folder from the CLSIC user database to the directory d:\temp\bkt_test.

    bkt_tool -e -dbset 1.1 -db CLSIC -user admin -password secret -directory "d:\temp\bkt_test"

See also